Saturday, January 26, 2013

Australia Day

Dearest V ... Today, 26 January 2013, is Australia Day so Mrs J and I decided to head for the Alexander Gardens close to the CBD. My what a spectacle! We saw cultural groups from Turkey, to Tibet and Sicily.  There were highland bands, Chinese dragons and impressionists from the Eureka Stockade.  We saw ukulele players, jugglers and flamenco dancers.  There were Chevrolets, Jaguars and Holden cars.  We saw snakes, crocodiles and dingoes.  Present were Batman, Captain America and Johnny Depp look a likes. Not to mention a Doctor Who, a dalek and Harry Potter. People ate all kinds of food from roti bread, to pizza and lamb kebabs ..... and all this in just one park, just in one morning.  Happy Australia Day one and all. Mr & Mrs J.
Shared with the City Daily Photo Australia Day Meme.


  1. Happy Australia Day, Joe!
    I am looking forward to the pictures from Alexander Gardens,

  2. These are great Joe, I lived in Sydney for sometime and visited Melbourne and some other cities in Australia. Is still one of the best memories of my life. Happy Australia Day!

  3. Happy Australia Day Joe!
    It's cool to see the ladies and the kids having fun in their colourful outfit! :)

  4. You really have captured the real Australia, great post.
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, we finally have some rain :)

  5. This is a such a good depiction of Australia as it is today.

  6. Everyone seems so happy to see you Joe :^) What a great place to live!

  7. Perfect Australia Day post Joe, we are a real multi cultural society. Blimey there sure was a lot going on in that park.
